Upper Canada Creamery uses their own certified organic milk from New Care Farms to produce top-quality organic grass-fed dairy products including farm fresh cream top milk, Biemond Family Cheese, Biemond Family Cheese curds and ice cream.
The journey from milking parlour and farm to the federally inspected, state-of-the-art modern dairy processing facility is only 250 metres - the shortest distance from farm to fridge!
Josh Biemond’s parents immigrated to Canada in 1981 with the hopes of continuing their European lifestyle of agri-focused living by purchasing their 140-acre, 24 cow farm in Iroquois, Ontario - just an hour south of the nation's capital. The conventional way of farming is all they, and many others at the time, had ever known. In 1989, just eight years into their new endeavour, the Biemond family discerned the need for some serious lifestyle changes to pursue a more sustainable and vigorous way of living - which for them started on the farm. New Care Farms underwent the transition from conventional dairy farm, to a fully organic - though then undefined - operation. Being amongst some of the earliest in the industry to make these changes, it was widely up to them and their cohort to help define the processes, procedures and regulations that differentiated the two ways of farming while avoiding industry segregation. After almost 10 years of development, New Care Farms was certified organic, and their milk became part of the new organic pool.
Josh had always admired his parents' work and hoped to one day become the second-generation owner/operator of their family farm. After flying the nest for a while, Josh and his wife Ellen returned to the farm in 2005 where they began working both on the farm and in administration, respectively. It wasn’t until a few years of learning the ins and outs of both the dairy industry and business that the couple decided to purchase the farm in 2011.
The years to come were spent further developing their organic and grass-fed operations while planting the seed for their processing plant aspirations. By 2015, the sustainable, 24-stall rotary milking parlour and barn and certified organic processing facility was up and running.
Today, their farm is not only home to a 50 cow herd housed in a triple hoop greenhouse style barn, but also 400 acres of land which includes both feed and cash crops.
The past seven years were spent overcoming the steep learning curve of building a processing plant from the ground up while continuing to manoeuvre the intricacies of managing a fully organic dairy farm. Having spent this time developing their operations, the Biemonds felt prepared to shift their focus on product development for customers with Upper Canada Creamery. New Care Farms provides Upper Canada Creamery with the milk to produce products allowing the Biemonds to manage their products from soil to the consumers’ hands. All of the products are made on site on the farm. Their ultimate goal is to be part of consumer conversation on conscious local purchasing and wholesome nutrition.
“It’s really about “you are what you eat,” so pay attention to where your food is coming from, what's going into it and whether or not you’re benefiting from it. Are you getting what you were truly looking for and the nutritional value you need when consuming a certain product? I would say that when it comes to our dairy, we are providing that, and we want you to have it.”
The Biemonds are firm believers in ‘simple is best’ when it comes to their products that gives their customers the most choice on what to do with the product when at home in the kitchen. From plain probiotic yogurt to organic non-homogenized milk, to their Pinconning-style cheese, Upper Canada Creamery is an essential grocery stop for many of the locals’ dairy staples.
“We stretch from close to the Quebec border, into Kingston and Ottawa valley. Moving beyond that would be in question as it simply means an increased carbon footprint - our goal always has and always will be organic and sustainable. A local mindset is important, and we don't want the consumer to be that far removed from the farm.”
Upper Canada Creamery also prides themselves on their seasonal product creativity with their newly developed small-batch ice cream and eggnog. As of last summer, you can get your hands on 10 different flavours of ice cream and frozen yogurt, both by the scoop in spring and summer or pre-packed year-round. From classic to crazy, the entirety of their cold treats are made from locally sourced product - berries from down the road, handmade cookie dough and local maple syrup. A crowd favourite during the holidays is their four ingredient, traditional eggnog made in partnership with a local egg farm.
Upper Canada Creamery can be found in stores throughout Ontario, or you can purchase in-person at the Creamery store.